2012 – A retrospective

I’ll preface this post by saying that it’s New Year’s Eve and I’ve already had 1/2 a bottle of champagne. No, it is actually Tasmanian sparkling wine. Had to say that in case the French wine police are reading this!

New Year’s Eve is that special night of the year where you celebrate the successes of the year and drown the sorrows of the year all while making plans and resolutions for the shiny new year to come. It is a time for self reflection and renewal.

I’m sat here in my loungeroom listening to music, drinking, and reflecting on the year that was. For me it was a year of great loss and gain. I lost 30kg which I am very proud and happy about. I also lost the two loves of my life this year – my darlings Rex the dog and Scooter the cat. A loss that still moves me to tears. I’ve gained a sense of confidence and self esteem which had been lost for many years. I have gained the unconditional love of a beautiful black cat called Leroy.

In my corporate life, the year was up and down. I have survived redundancy twice but have been left a bit battle scarred and weary. I question my corporate identity which makes me seek out the punk more and more. On reflection, I think the corporate consumes the punk when the fact is they should live in balance.

While I have made great inroads into finding myself and unleashing my creative side this year, I still have many miles to go. Case in point. This blog. I had the best intentions of keeping it up but haven’t 🙁

I have so many stories inside my head. So many ideas for paintings, products, novels and epic movies just dying to get out. What’s stopping them??? ME!

I could blame corporate, the cat, the Mayan prophecy but when it boils down to it there isn’t an excuse in the world that I can give that I would believe! If I learned anything this year it’s that truly extraordinary people commit to and live their dreams. While I was sat on my bum updating Facebook with what my cat did (cute as it was) my husband was learning about designing websites and has had the vision and tenacity to follow through on his dream of creating a space where Tasmanians can share their stories. While I contemplated my navel, my gorgeous sister handcrafted a line of Tasmanian gifts and toiletries.

I am happy for their success and it inspires me. Yet at the same time I am disappointed in myself for not creating more. Being all talk and no action. Something has got to change. I think I am ready.

While I may not finish writing my epic novel or my masterpiece in 2013, I go into the new year with the hope that it is possible. I am held up by the gains made in 2012. If I could go from 100% unfit and unco to running in excess of 440km in 6 months, running the Burnie 10 in under 60 minutes, mastering the hardest of hardcore Zumba moves and learning basic Chinese then I can do ANYTHING! Dreaming, reflection and champagne this is what I love about New Year’s Eve.



Author: jelly

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