Cadbury Marathon Race Day – The end of my Marajourney

I’m writing this blog from seat 39B on a Jestar flight from Melbourne to Singapore. I had intended to write this last night to stick to my usual blogging routine but I had to pack, tidy the house and relax a bit after the big day.

I’ve had time to reflect on race day whilst in transit. I’m pleased to report that I’ve pulled up OK. I feel a bit weary (mainly sore feet) but I can walk despite numerous people saying that I’d be so sore I wouldn’t be able to. Maybe I didn’t run hard enough. Maybe I was just well prepared and followed good post race fuelling and stretching. Who knows. What I do know is I’m still on a high from yesterday and was tempted to wear my medal on my holiday but it is too precious to lose.

After 6 months of training and pushing through the challenges along the way I became a marathoner on 10 January 2016 at the Cadbury Marathon. I still find it hard to believe it! Here’s how I ran it.

Before the main event

Before the main event

Getting ready to run

My preparation for the big day was spot on. Nice relaxing Saturday finishing up with a carby chicken and rice for dinner. I was nervous but found things to occupy the time. I got to bed early and felt a bit wired. Just as I started drifting off to sleep my usually quiet international student neighbors decided to party. Why on this night of nights did they decide to discover alcohol and chant their traditional songs?? Why did they not shut up after midnight? I was livid and was nearly going to jump the fence to tell them off before calling the cops. John saved the day and had a civilised chat with them and refrained from using the colourful language I intended to use. Finally asleep by 1 for a 4AM wake up. Not ideal.

After a quick breakfast of toast topped with a couple of mashed bananas I showered and geared up. It started to feel real. I had my race bib on. Today was no ordinary training run. This was the main event. I did think I’d be more jittery in the morning but I wasn’t. I put it down to the lack of sleep. The ride to Cadbury felt long and the hill at the end looked a killer. I tried not to think about it.

I caught up with my Make me a Marathoner Colleagues, Rowan and Stuart. We chatted and got our photo taken by the TRR paparazzi. I had a quick warmup jog with Rowan to get the legs moving. There was a real atmosphere of excitement and energy about. Heaps of people wishing us luck. Before we knew it, the announcement to head to the start line came.

And then the gun went off.

The race

That moment of starting was surreal. Everything I’d worked for was down to the next four and a bit hours. I needed to focus and run this beast one kilometre at a time. The first few km were a bit frustrating doing laps around suburbia wasn’t awesome. I really started to find my rhythm when we left the Cadbury Estate. Conditions were perfect with a bit of cloud cover and a gentle breeze.

I had intended to run with the 4:15 pacer, Mark Johnson, but felt the pace was a bit slow. I managed to keep just ahead of Mark until around the 25km point when I started feeling tired.

I ran without music and soaked in the atmosphere of the crowd. There is a real sense of comraderie in running and this was really true on the course. I cannot tell you how many words of encouragement I got from random strangers and people I knew. Each one helped widen my grin as I ran. Yes I SMILED on course! It helps me and I couldn’t help but smile because I love to run and I was doing what I had thought impossible once upon a time. I hope that my smile encouraged others. One bloke approached me at the end and reckoned I could have run it faster if I saved the energy I used up smiling. He was joking of course but it was nice to see him smile as he passed me a few times on the course.

Running up mt Cadbury

Running up mt Cadbury

Parts of the course reminded me of my training runs and other events I participated in. The course overlapped part of the Mona Fun Run course as well as the Glenorchy 10. I remember the 2015 Glenorchy 10 vividly as it was early in my training program. I ran in Jarrod Gibson’s pace group in that run and was mere seconds off a 10km PB. I did an extra lap of the course day to bring it up to 15km. Now I was running 42! Jarrod passed me a few times on the marathon course and always shouted encouragement.

My favourite part of the Cadbury course was the Bowen Bridge. The breeze was nice off the water. It was very scenic and most importantly very flat. It also was the turning point. Mark had caught up with me right before the DEC on the second lap and left me at the Bowen Bridge. I had started to fatigue at that point. My hips were starting to feel sore and my feet were in agony. I was well hydrated thanks to my vest and the electrolytes. I made a point of taking small sips during the run. I smiled through the pain and decided that I would keep running until the drink station once I crossed back over the bridge.

On the final stretch from the Bowen Bridge to the finish I was running low on electrolyte and was craving plain cool water. I used the drink stations as progress rewards. I’d grab a drink and walk to the end of the station then start running again a bit more refreshed. Once I started getting into single digits of kilometers to go I know the end was in sight. The final 5 was hard with the 10km participants whizzing past. Seeing Grant Page zoom past give me a bit of a boost as did seeing Jay.

Then I saw the sign. 41km. The final kilometer. 6 months and over 1100 kms run to get to this point. I started welling up with pride. I willed my weary legs up Mt Cadbury, up that final hill with a smile a mile wide. I was so happy to see that purple finishing gate I nearly cried! Instead I skipped and fist pumped and shouted. Once I got over the line I leapt for joy and screamed a big YES! I was finally officially a marathoner!!!

Jumping for joy at the finish

Jumping for joy at the finish


John was there to capture the moment I crossed the line and I was so happy to see him. I gave him a big sweaty cuddle. He’s been amazing throughout all of this and had more faith in me than I did. I couldn’t have achieved this without his support.

At the end of the race I didn’t care about my time. I took no notice of it. I just relished in the moment knowing that I’ve just completed a PB regardless of what I ran it in. I wasn’t even interested.

I got that medal around my neck as quick as I could and then it was off to the VIP area for some much needed hydration. VIP and my name on the bib was a great surprise for the Make Me a Marathoner crew thanks to race director extraordinaire, Shelley Miller. My muscles were stiff and achy. I didn’t spend much time sitting for fear I wouldn’t get up.

I made my way to the TRR tent where I caught up with Jemina and Jay. More sweaty hugs! Jay gave me a couple of gifts I’ll always treasure – a marathoner hoodie and a hat commentating the event. I caught up with Rowan and Stuart for the ‘after’ photos. Rowan was first of the Make Me a Marathoners in with an awesome time. He did a brilliant job on course and was absolutely flying. Stuart also did brilliantly but struggled with some muscle issues towards the end. We were all winners! We are all marathoners.

The 2016 Make Me a Marathoner Crew

The 2016 Make Me a Marathoner Crew

Formalities over I headed back to the VIP area for some more hydration and a well earned massage. And then it was over. All too quickly.

The ride home put the course in perspective and made me appreciate my efforts even more. It was great to get into the shower at home and then to soak in the bath with some Epsom salt. I was tired but feeling amazing. After some celebratory Bollinger and some ibuprofen I slept the sleep of victory.

Bollinger bubbles to celebrate

Bollinger bubbles to celebrate

What’s next

Waking today up on what is usually easy 60 day was odd. I have no program, no scheduled training and it feels weird. Today felt anticlimactic. I’ve got itchy feet already. Lucky for me I have a holiday to take my mind off it. I’m sure I’ll sneak a run in while I’m away and I’ll probably register for Run the Bridge.

I’m booked into the Chicago Marathon and I’m already looking forward to it! Crazy I know.

For now the running blog is on hiatus and will be replaced by my travel blog. Thanks for coming along on the ride and for your encouragement. I’ve enjoyed the sharing the journey with you.

PS: In case you’re dying to know my marathon PB is now set at 4:31:21. One minute and 21 seconds above my goal time. Now I need to decide whether to beat that in Chicago or just enjoy a long run in my home town and have a beer and taco on course in Pilsen. Decisions, decisions!

I am a Marathoner!!!!!

I am a Marathoner!!!!!



Author: jelly

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